A Warm Welcome!

Explore the transformative potential of self-discovery and values-based personal, professional and business leadership.  Consider me (Nicky), your coach, guide, practical supporter and biggest cheerleader, focussing you on your self-awareness and helping you cultivate a more mindful, authentic and purpose-driven world for yourself and those around you. 

Discovery Programme Together we will delve deep into your core, uncovering your true identity, strengths, and values. Find your calling and embrace it.

Compass Programme Craft goals that resonate with your core values and which focus you towards leading a fulfilling work life which aligns with your purpose.

Practical Support As a business leader, I will equip you with strategies and tools to aid you mould your organisational culture, attract top talent, and inspire others. 

Let’s chat!  

Definition of Conforta… in case you’re wondering

  • :UK  /kənˈfɔː:tɑː
    • reinforce, fortify
    • encourage
    • strengthen
    • console, comfort
  • Source